SNU LogoKettering Spiritualist National Church

St. Peters Avenue, Kettering, NN16 OHD

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Spiritual Healing

Linda Norman
Linda Norman
Healing Leader
Brenda McGovern
Brenda McGovern
Deputy Healing Leader

What is Spiritualist Healing?

The Spiritualists. National Union defines it as being the use of forces and energies from the world of Spirit, channelled through the healer by the laying on of hands, (contact Healing) or near the body, or prayer, or thought from a distance (Absent Healing).

What is involved and what happens?

If you would like to try Spiritualist Healing, come along to the Church on a Thurday afternoon before 2.00. Healing may also be available after our Sunday afternoon service if healers are available. All are made very welcome, you will be met by our receptionist who will ask you a few basic questions, name, address etc, you will then be shown to a seat while your turn for Healing comes around. The Healer will then escort you to a chair where the Healing will take place.

Firstly, all the Healing that is given is always in the presence of other Healers and patients, you are not required to remove any of your clothing, except perhaps an overcoat or glasses. The Healer will then explain to you what will happen and what you might or might not feel. You will then be asked if the Healer can place their hands on you, if you feel that you do not want to be touched, then, near to body Healing will be carried out. This means the Healers hands are normally two to three inches away from you. Healing is always carried out with the recipients welfare in mind and nothing embarrassing or uncomfortable will take place, in fact you can ask the Healer to stop at any time. On completion of the Healing you will be asked if you would like a drink of water and then you will be escorted back to your seat. Gentle music is played throughout the Healing Service, so you are welcome to come along and just sit in the meditative Atmosphere of our Church.

After the Healing Service tea, coffee and biscuits are served, this is a nice time to talk amongst friends and any questions that you may have can be asked and hopefully answered.

Our Healing Team.

We have seven SNU Accredited Healers and four SNU Trainee Healers working within our Church.

All our Healers are registered with the SNU Healing Committee

A little bit about our training program for our trainee Healers.

All the trainees undergo five pre-healing sessions followed by a training period of 50 sessions of practical work. In parallel with this trainees will complete the SNU SH1 education course. During the training period trainees will attend four review sessions with our SNU District Council, either at a central Church within our district or online. On completion of the training program and education course, the trainee will be assessed on their ability and knowledge of Spiritual Healing at an upgrading assessment, and if successful, they will become an SNU Accredited Spiritual Healer.